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User Research & Strategy

Understanding user needs is central to successful products & services, but knowing how to excavate those insights and communicate them requires adaptability. I approach each knowledge goal with a unique plan to uncover insights through a mixed method approach, helping teams make quick product decisions as well as formulate a long term vision.


Generative Research

I create tools to stimulate the discovery process. Sometimes this will be a qualitative research stimulus for the user to interact with, sometimes it's a method for my team to synthesize the data we have in different, meaningful ways. 

Mixed Methods

I specialize in qualitative research, but I often combine several methods to satisfy the knowledge goals of a study. With a recent invoicing tool study, I recruited using usage analytics, conducted 1:1 virtual interviews, and incorporated a 7 point scale to help visualize and compare results. 


Contextual Inquiry

Whenever possible, I like to visit users in person to gain trust, understand nuance, and create documentation for my team. When I visited donation processing centers, I ingested the end to end on-site processes in a way you could never learn second hand. 

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